Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 5 - June/July 2005 > Bodinumu (God's Care)

Bodinumu (God's Care)

by Wes Guy

by Wes Guy


Theme     God's Care

This is the second part of the "God is My Co-pilot" series.  The first part was in the third issue of our magazine, and was about malaria.  Like that story, this is about another of the events that caused the author to return to the God of his childhood.

I had one passenger left and he was to be flown to Efogi. Once I had left him in Efogi I would then fly back to Port Moresby having completed my work for that Sunday morning. Today I was flying the Nomad, a twin turbo-propeller engined aircraft. I had taken passengers and vegetables from and to several small airstrips about 50 kms north of Port Moresby. This was my last run and I was looking forward to getting home and resting.

The weather was deteriorating and the cloud was getting lower and lower. I saw what I thought was the Efogi valley and entered. A few minutes later I realised that I had entered the wrong valley. The valley became narrower and narrower and I realised that I could not turn the aircraft around. I could not climb because the cloud base was too low. It was at this stage that I felt there was only one thing I could do. So, I asked the Lord to help me. As I turned around one corner of the valley directly in front of me was an airstrip. I immediately lowered my undercarriage, flaps and throttled back, making a short-strip landing. The passenger got out of the aircraft and told me that he was very happy I had landed at this strip because he was much closer to his village than if we had landed at Efogi. Before I could ask him what the name of this strip was he had gone off to his village.

God had heard and answered my prayer.

Because of the low cloud which now had covered the valley, I could not take off until the cloud lifted.  The next morning I contacted the District Airport Inspector, related my incident, then asked him the name of the airstrip. He told me it was Bodinumu, a new airstrip which had not yet been cleared for aircraft to land. In fact he said that he had intended to fly into that airstrip in the next day or so to declare it open to aircraft to land. I suggested that he could open the strip now as I had found it in very good condition. He believed me and opened the airstrip then and there.       

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 5 - June/July 2005 > Bodinumu (God's Care)