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Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 77 - Spring (Sep-Nov) 2023 > Book Review - Stories That Feed The Soul, by Tony Campolo

Book Review

Stories That Feed The Soul, by Tony Campolo

The back of this book states - Captivating new stories from the master storyteller.

This is one of many books by Tony Campolo.  This book is a series of short stories most only a page in length.  The theme of the stories is drawn from Romans 8 and is broken into 8 segments. 

Stories help in making truths easy to be understood, and easy to remember.  As the book says at the very beginning Jesus was the master storyteller, and stories continue to have a place in the Christian world.

One of the stories told was when Tony Campolo was teaching a group of secondary students.  He was trying to explain the difference between judgment, mercy, and grace.  He asked the students could someone differentiate the three.  A quick-witted student put his hand up.  The student said

"You are speeding along in your car and a policeman pulls you up, he gives you a ticket - that is judgement.

You are speeding along in your car and a policeman pulls you up, he gives you a warning - that is mercy.

You are speeding along in your car and a policeman pulls you up, he gives you a Krispy Kreme Donut - that is grace."

This story gives a word picture, easily remembered, and easily understood.

Another story tells of the arrival of Campolo's mother to America as a child.  The family experienced hard times, a Protestant minister befriended the family and helped them survive.  Some years later Campolo's father as a young person was struggling and the same Protestant minister assisted him.  Campolo's parents meet, and the rest is history.  Many years later as a senior at the College that Campolo was studying at, a speaker was asked for a 'Spiritual Vision Week'.   Campolo and the speaker were talking, and the speaker asked his name.  Once he heard the name the speaker said I knew a Tony Campolo many years ago in Philadelphia, immediately Campolo said, 'that would have been my father'.   The senior minister was able to see the outworking of his ministry from many years ago.

Some of the stories are humorous, some of the stories are poignant, some of the stories are from history, some from personal experiences of either Campolo or stories that have been sent to him.

The book is the perfect book for someone who wants a light read, or something small to read at night or first thing in the morning. 

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Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 77 - Spring (Sep-Nov) 2023 > Book Review - Stories That Feed The Soul, by Tony Campolo