Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 80 - Winter (Jun-Aug) 2024 > Book Review - Disrupting Mercy by Matthew C Clarke with Annabella Rossini-Clarke

Book Review

Disrupting Mercy by Matthew C Clarke with Annabella Rossini-Clarke

Lamentations 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Mercy is defined as the gift of extreme kindness motivated by compassion.

The first chapter of the book looks at the story of Zaccheus and the final chapter of the book concludes by looking at Zaccheus again.  Mercy is reviewed in the Old and the New Testament; Mercy is looked at in its relationship to justice, and the book states that Mercy is not the opposite to justice. 

The book looks at both the receiving and the giving of Mercy.  We are encouraged to do good without expecting anything in return.  Jesus directed us to love our enemies, to be Gods children we need to be merciful just as God is merciful.  We need to remember that we are deeply loved unconditionally by God.  Whilst God gives Mercy to all, so often we forget to pass the gift of Mercy on to others.  God's gift of love is to be passed on, rather than repaid.  Another thought that is presented is that Mercy is given regardless of whether any positive response from the receiver occurs.  Mercy is not passive or weak - Mercy is proactive, bold, and risky.

The author says to love Mercy means to be satisfied with what we have rather than being envious of what others receive.

The author also highlights that many people have never experienced mercy, and therefore they are unable to show Mercy.  How much do we need to show Mercy to these people.

Another thought-provoking statement is that Mercy is not a technique to get people through the side door of the church so that they can be saved through effective preaching.  How often are our actions motivated by our wrong thinking?  Jesus died for all regardless of each of our responses to Him and His sacrifice.

The appendix at the conclusion of the book looks at the understanding of Mercy in many different cultures and situations.  Mercy in battle - Mercy in the court scenario, Mercy in Judaism - Mercy in Islam - Mercy in the Roman Catholic Church - Mercy in reformed theology - Mercy in Australian Indigenous Culture.

This book is highly thought provoking and definitely worthy of reading.  A book that will expand your understanding of MERCY.


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Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 80 - Winter (Jun-Aug) 2024 > Book Review - Disrupting Mercy by Matthew C Clarke with Annabella Rossini-Clarke