Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 80 - Winter (Jun-Aug) 2024 > Pastor's Piece - Warm Up

Warm Up

Pastor's Piece, by Pr Andy

The light faded across the pink, almost orange blossom, and red evening sky.  The flames flickered and the laughter sang a song of joy, the light dancing across the surrounding artwork of nature.  Sitting in front of the fire, sharing the hot drinks and chatting after a day out in the blue sky, with a light breeze.  The sun filled the glory of Autumn, the day complete, having cut firewood together preparing for winter - it's hard to imagine something warmer or sweater, amidst the cool evening air.

Even the very heart was warmed for each member of our family, a group of relatives and friends, all family or sorts, now warmed together.  Sitting and soaking in the moment, it was as if God Himself in all His loving splendour was smiling, and His smile warmed us.  He was with us in this moment, and we knew it! 

The fire matched the beauty of His very own loving warmth.  How could it be, that something so simple as a fire and hot drink could be so enriching, so relationally powerful?  These are the deeply memorable moments of peace and joy that seem to be so powerful, and yet so fleeting.  The flames of Godly community are mesmerising, with joy, prayer and the Son as the light of unity.  The eyes lifted and focused on our Redeemer, with a sense of unity and community that is hard to really put into words.

According to recent research in Australia the most attractive aspect about being part of a church is when the church family are experiencing God as a grace-filled community.  In reality, trust is built on authenticity, an expression of mutual need for belonging and meaning, rather than simply behaving.  The home focused only on behaviour is cold.  And in this regard, the warmth of a hot drink, peace, joy, laughter, even moments of silence - these are the true interactions of a family around a fire, especially if that fire is God and the Holy Spirit leading us to this comfort.  The reality of the human need is drawn to warmth.  What warmth have you shared lately? 

A most powerful gospel story that Jesus shared, is the Good Samaritan, "He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him upon his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him." (Luke 10:34).  The reality of the Samaritan is that he understood the need!  A heartwarming reflection of true care and solidarity with someone in need.  At the inn is a place to stay on the journey, a warming place for those who are experiencing cold and in need of a place to be, to simply be.  Here is where people are warmed and healed from brokenness, and this being done as much by kindness, as it is to be in the place of healing.

"He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." (Psalm 23:3)  To be restored and right with God and one another is true unity, and this, yes this - to be warm in community - this is the act of true community led by God.  May this warmth be ours as we pray for one another.  Reach beyond ourselves to sharing and healing, to restoration that only Jesus can bring.  What warmth from Jesus will you bring to the fire place?

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 80 - Winter (Jun-Aug) 2024 > Pastor's Piece - Warm Up