Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 83 - Autumn (Mar-May) 2025 > Book Review - Pawverbs by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley

Book Review

Pawverbs by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley

If you are looking for a book with inspirational thoughts and you are an animal lover this is the book for you. 

There are 100 collections of thoughts - using texts from the book of Proverbs, and stories from the animal kingdom.

Each thought begins with a text from the book of Proverbs - an animal story - points to ponder that can be drawn from the story - and finally a pray.  Each segment is only 2-3 pages long.  The book could be used as a worship book, and the stories whilst not written as a children's book, would appeal to most children.

One story tells the tale of 2 dogs, that continually manage to escape from their home.  Initially the police find the dogs wandering, take them to the police station, trace the owners by their tags, taking care of the dogs while this happens with water and snacks, then the police take the dogs' home.   Eventually the dogs start escaping from home and going straight to the police station - they liked their treatment at the police station.  The points to ponder from this story - is that God wants us to run to Him when we sin, and just like the police treated the dogs with care, God will always welcome us when we come to Him.

Another story tells the relationship that developed between a horse and a boy with autism.  Initially the boy who suffered many limitations due to his autism was introduced to a horse called Sue.  The horse and boy bonded well, and the boy was finally invited to participate in Special Olympics.  On the day of the competition the trip to the fairground unnerved the horse, so much that the trainer said the horse could not compete.  The boy asked for time alone with the horse and he was able to settle the horse down.  The horse had given the boy confidence, and then the boy was able to calm the horse.  In the points to ponder the idea of offering to God our weaknesses, ask Him to fill us with wisdom, and see what God's plan for our lives is.

Other stories include guinea pig sisters, a dog and dolphin who are best friends, a bearded dragon and a Great Dane who saves the life of his little master.

Animals are a gift from God, to point us to Himself - to the one who promises never to leave us, is always available to listen to us, and love us more than we can fathom.

When Jesus was on earth he spoke often to the people in parables, drawing stories from nature, both the Old and New Testament also draw many lessons from nature.   If you are looking for encouragement and inspiration, this book will delight an animal lover's heart.


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Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 83 - Autumn (Mar-May) 2025 > Book Review - Pawverbs by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley