Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 44 - December 2011 / January 2012

Online Magazine: Edition 44

December 2011 / January 2012

Welcome to the Forty-fourth Edition of the Online Magazine of the Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church.



What is in this issue?

by Norman Tew

Welcome to another issue.

As there is no Pastor's piece this month we have an additional regular item, with all articles by new writers to our magazine.

Jill Wong has provided us with two articles.  The first was written many years ago by her late sister Dulcie Hon who wrote about her mother.  Jill has added much more information to her sister's original words.  Her second is about another of her sisters, Maisie Fook.  The first part of this second article is based on an interview conducted by Robert Allaburton with Maisie that was in the now defunct magazine "Adventist Professional", the remainder is based on a document from an unknown source.

Glenda Marlin is a pen name, used as she has written about her family.  But she has drawn a good link between the smiles of her earthly and heavenly fathers.

At a recent church board meeting it was suggested that we should include an article on the Adventist Discovery Centre.  I am personally interested in this as I am a volunteer instructor for the students who do the two Biblical archaeological courses.  I therefore contacted the office and Tammy Zyderveld has written about the correspondence school that is now  almost to its 75th anniversary.

Then we have started a three part series on "Hands".  Recently we had two Sabbaths devoted to children.  The first was a worship service taken by the children of the Wahroonga Adventist Primary school who sang for us and gave short talks.  The following week our own church children led out in the service and there were three short sermons on the subject of hands preached by Maryellen, Zach & Kira-Leigh (three secondary school students).  These sermons were originally preached by children at the Papatoetoe church in New Zealand in June 2003. Our children took the original sermons and adapted/personalised them. We don't have details of who wrote the original sermons, we only have a script that has been copied & passed around a few times.  The theme of the program was "Hands".  In the sermons Maryellen discussed God's hands,  Zach talked about what Jesus' hands were like when he was here on earth and Kira-Leigh talked about our hands today.  This month we are presenting Maryellen Fairfax's

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 44 - December 2011 / January 2012