Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 82 - Summer (Dec-Feb) 2024/25

Online Magazine: Edition 82

Summer (Dec-Feb) 2024/25

Welcome to the Eighty-second Edition of the Online Magazine of the Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Editorial - The Ethics of Surrogacy

Welcome to the Summer edition of our online magazine.

When couples are unable to conceive a child, and IVF does not offer a solution, it is then that thoughts turn to surrogacy as a solution.  Surrogacy being the practice where one woman carries and gives birth to a baby on behalf of another.  This practice may or may not involve donated sperm or eggs.

Pope Francis recently (early 2024) called for a global ban on the practice of surrogacy, describing the practice as "deplorable", calling it a "grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child".  His position provoked an unlikely alliance from the feminist movement.  

Until this proclamation, I really had not thought that much about the ethics of surrogacy.  My experience has really been limited to the situation where a woman offers to use her body to assist a sister who is unable to conceive and give birth herself.   Some may say that not being able to have a baby is the will of God and that we should not interfere with His will.   Others may contend that there is something sacred about the act of procreation and that it should be reserved for the confines of the married couple.  However, these altruistic forms of surrogacy have always seemed to me to be an incredibly selfless act of love.  In these situations, I personally have little trouble in justifying what I see as a personal matter between a surrogate mother and the adoptive mother.

There are, however, different models of surrogacy where the ethical considerations are far muddier.  I acknowledge that in countries, other than Australia where it is illegal, there is a commercial/marketplace form of surrogacy.  In Australia it is acceptable to reimburse a surrogate for medical costs, but not to pay for a baby.

I can certainly see that the practice of commercial surrogacy comes with many ethical questions. For example:-

Surrogacy has been around since biblical times.  Abram and Sarai forced their handmaid (Hagar) to carry Abram's child for Sarai. (Genesis 16:1-15)   This is certainly not a positive model for doing surrogacy well.   But what the Bible does tells us is that we are to love one another and that we are to protect the vulnerable. 

The Devil is an absolute expert at perverting acts of love into something evil.

He can take an altruistic act of surrogacy, motivated by love, commodify it and turn it into exploitation and degradation of human life.   Certainly, there is the need for a strong regulatory framework of protection but please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Pun intended.  Don't sacrifice the altruistic situation in an attempt to protect those who are being exploited by a corrupt industry.


In this Edition

Pastor's Piece - No Parade Required, Pr. Andy

In this edition In this edition, Pr. Andy, reminds us of that which provides lasting value.

Stenoy (Steve) Stephenson - Together

Steve takes us to the Ant as an example of what can be achieved in collaborating as a community.

Where is God in the Pain of Systemic Injustice? - Amy Orr-Ewing (Writing for Sings of the Times)

Amy searches for the answer to whether God has any relevance in the face of systemic injustice and pain.

Book Review -  My Name is Tani (Author - Tanitoluwa Adewumi)

Our resident book reviewer follows the story of a refugee family, showing how kindness to strangers allowed them to grow and blossom, and to pay these blessing forward to help others.

Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes - Erica Green

Our recipe column for this edition takes a trip to Asia.

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 82 - Summer (Dec-Feb) 2024/25