Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 82 - Summer (Dec-Feb) 2024/25 > Pastor's Piece - No Parade Required
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Pastor's Piece, by Pr Andy
Not too long ago I sat with my daughter on the side of the road watching a display of exotic cars go past, loud and proud, full of noise and energy, a massive parade of sorts. With awe at the sound and power on display of a twin turbo Lamborghini in a weird but vibrant green, gold wheels, it was unique and stuck out from the pack in every way.
As we sat watching the jaw dropping display of glamour and finance rolling by, I couldn't help but imagine driving one of these highly modified cars again. But then I thought, ultimately, it's an experience that even the most dedicated owner can take for granted, underappreciating what one has, quick to move onto the next big thing hoping it would somehow add value to my life.
What really provides lasting value is appreciating what lasts and understanding the power of eternal matters. Billy Graham once said, "God does not need our money. He owns everything, including "our" money. What He wants [us] to discover is where our central focus of worship lies. Is that focus on God or our money?"
Essentially, he was saying that when we worship God, everything is given to Him to bring life and perspective, this worship provides true lasting value! And it results in joy! That's why the Bible tells us that God LOVES a cheerful giver. It's a pleasure to give back something to God of our time, finance and resources, when we understand the depth of God's love for us in giving His son Jesus! Jn 3:16
Even the best modified exotic supercar will fade, the toys we buy break and deteriorate, the house needs maintenance, the car will need upgrading! But when we follow Jesus first, and we worship Him, then giving and adoring Him is truly an experience that brings joy and eternal depth to our lives!
So as this time of the year reminds us of the value of family, of children, of eternity and of our Saviour Jesus Christ. What could you give back to God? Have you given Him the tenth He deserves as recognition of His goodness to you? And have we been kind and given a gift to a charity, or a Neighbour in need (not necessarily the Neighbour that lives next door).
There's a real joy in giving, connecting, and experiencing giving at Christmas! Let's participate in the "givingness" and true generosity of God! Wow we have so much to celebrate and share this season as we worship Jesus, looking unto Jesus the author/originator and finisher/completer of our faith.
May God bless you with making memories of Joy, to be a follower of God giving with happiness, and making someone smile as you pray, share and love one another this Christmas!
Pr Andy
Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 82 - Summer (Dec-Feb) 2024/25 > Pastor's Piece - No Parade Required
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